Rotary Student Program

Northlake's rich history with the Georgia Rotary Student Program (GRSP)

Since 1946, Rotarians in Georgia, USA, have promoted world peace through understanding by offering scholarships to international students for one year of study in Georgia colleges and universities. Georgia Rotary Clubs sponsor students recommended by a Rotary Club in their home country. The students become adopted members of a Georgia "host family," but live on-campus at the school they attend. This is a scholarship program, not an exchange! Each year, about 80 students from all over the world make friends in the United States and other nations and learn about differing cultures and life styles. Georgia Rotarians believe "Peace is Possible" and through GRSP promote international goodwill through the bonds of friendship and understanding.

The scholarship covers one scholastic year, from August to May, and is for study in colleges and universities located in the State of Georgia.

These are just a few of our recent GRSP Student's:

Lisa Hofman, Jacek Kmiecik, Anton Birch-Tyberg, and Ellen Jackobsen (top to bottom)